Monday, October 27, 2008

Head Fakes

I learnt the term 'head fake' from one of the best books I've ever read - The last lecture by Dr.Randy Pausch.

Hypothetically if you were dying, what would you say in your last lecture? For Randy Pausch, that isn't a hypothetical. He was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer and the doctors only gave him a few more months to live.
If you haven't read it, I strongly recommend it no matter who you are and what you do.. You may want to check out his video first on youtube -

In his lecture Dr Randy explains head fakes as 'Indirect learnings'..
"And the other thing about football is we send our kids out to play football or
soccer or swimming or whatever it is, and it's the first example of what I'm
going to call a head fake, or indirect learning. We actually don't want our kids
to learn football. ... we send our kids out to learn much more important things.
Teamwork, sportsmanship, perseverance, et cetera, et cetera."

It's amazing to think how much the 'head fake' theory applies to us.. It is not the most obvious outcome of a certain activity that may benefit and define us, but the indirect learning from an sports or activity that ends up benefitting us a lot more..

This is mainly true with Muay Thai (or any martial arts). Your primary aim maybe to get fitter or to be able to defend yourself, but the number of indirect learnings can range from respect for each other, self-respect, time-management etc and ofcourse value of time - 3 minutes in the ring can be a very long time when you are getting beaten the crap out by someone!

My first post

For months, I've been thinking of a way to keep track of my preparation to my first muay thai bout. I've gone from Whiteboards to diaries to spreadsheet and back to whiteboards...
I've finally decided to start a blog... The main point of this blog is for me to keep track of all the exciting activities and thoughts (both good and bad) ..
I would love to have some active followers of this blog, but I do things for my own satisfaction and respect... So I wouldn't really care if I had no or very little followers in this blog, but it's always good to see some comments or abuse from others... :)
My next post is gonna be on all the stuff I've done so far..
Plan is to follow it up with frequent updates every couple of weeks...